Tank has a duel with Shrek

It was a bright, charming day and I was strolling down the streets with my new, fancier cane and monocle, and suddenly I happen to see a rather buff, grey man whom I recognize from a fun game named "Left 4 Dead 2" dueling a green ogre.
I sat on the bench to watch as the two ruffians have their little feud, The grey one happens to punch the green ogre, while the ogre lets out a roar that rather distracted me.
Then the grey one pulls a large brick of concrete out of the ground and throws it at the green ogre, who is impacted by the concrete brick but then proceeds to grab the grey man's face, however he blocks the grab, grabs the ogre then throws him to the ground and punches him so greatly, an explosion occurs and the green ogre is nowhere to be found.
I go home to my manor and have a nice cup of tea and read the papers, Farewell reader.